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Computational study of structural and elastic properties of random Al$_x$Ga$_y$In$_1-x-y$ N alloy, und . Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 22 (20): 205801 (2010)Nonlinear elasticity in III-N compounds: Ab initio calculations, , und . Phys. Rev. B, 72 (24): 245201 (Dezember 2005)Theoretical Calculations of Cohesive and Electronic Properties of Quaternary AlGaInN Alloys, , und . Acta Phys. Pol. A, (2007)Elastic constants in wurtzite AlGaInN alloys, und . (2011)Pressure dependence of elastic constants in zinc-blende GaN and InN and their influence on the pressure coefficients of the light emission in cubic InGaN/GaN quantum wells, und . Solid State Commun., 131 (12): 763 (2004)On Ordering in Ternary Nitride Semiconducting Alloys, und . (2011)Ab initio calculations of third-order elastic constants and related properties for selected semiconductors, und . Physical Review B, 76 (4): 045202 (2007)Density Functional Studies of Nonlinear Elastic Properties for Zinc-Blende Nitrides, und . Acta Phys. Pol. A, (2007)Effect of electromechanical coupling on the pressure coefficient of light emission in group-III nitride quantum wells and superlattices, und . Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), 74 (3): 035336 (2006)Composition dependence of elastic constants in wurtzite AlGaInN alloys, und . Journal of Applied Physics, 111 (3): 033502 (2012)