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Testing of Model Equations for the Mean Dissipation using Kolmogorov Flows, , , , и . Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 85 (2): 225-243 (2010)Numerical Simulation of the Evolution of the Soot Particle Size Distribution in a DI Diesel Engine Using an Emulsified Fuel of Diesel Water, , , и . SAE Technical Paper Series, (2004)The use of flamelet models in CFD-simulations. ERCOFTAC Bulletin, (1999)Unsteady Modelling of a Piloted Methane/ Air Jet Flame Based on the Eulerian Particle Flamelet Model, и . Combustion and Flame, 124 (3): 444-465 (2001)Simulation von Zündung, Verbrennung und Schadstoffbildung bei Mehrfacheinspritzungen in modernen Dieselmotoren, и . Motorische Verbrennung: aktuelle Probleme und moderne Lösungsansätze, Haus der Technik, стр. 275-286. (2005)Beitr. teilw. dt., teilw. engl..On unsteady premixed turbulent burning velocity prediction in internal combustion engines, и . Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 31 (2): 3051-3058 (2007)Parallel als CD-ROM-Ausg. erschienen u.d.T.: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, volume 31.Modeling partially premixed turbulent combustion, , , , и . Numerical Flow Simulation III, том 82 из Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, стр. 139-158. (2002)Combined simulations and OH-chemiluminescence measurements of the combustion process using different fuels under diesel-engine like conditions, , , и . SAE Technical Paper Series, 2007-01-0020, (2007)Investigation of the ignition Process of Sprays under Diesel Engine Conditions Using Reduced n-Heptane Chemistry, и . SAE Technical Paper Series, (1998)Scaling of Spray Penetration with Evaporation, и . Atomization and Sprays, 9 (2): 111-132 (1999)