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Mole Madness - A Multi-Child, Fast-Paced, Speech-Controlled Game.

, and . AAAI Spring Symposia, AAAI Press, (2015)

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The Mona Lisa Gaze Effect as an Objective Metric for Perceived Cospatiality., , and . IVA, volume 6895 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 439-440. Springer, (2011)Animated Faces for Robotic Heads: Gaze and Beyond., , , , and . COST 2102 Conference, volume 6800 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 19-35. Springer, (2010)Regulating Turn-Taking in Multi-child Spoken Interaction., and . IVA, volume 9238 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 363-374. Springer, (2015)Imitating human movement with teleoperated robotic head., , , , , , and . RO-MAN, page 630-637. IEEE, (2016)Synface - verbal and non-verbal face animation from audio., , and . AVSP, page 169. ISCA, (2009)ID-Match: A Hybrid Computer Vision and RFID System for Recognizing Individuals in Groups., , , , and . CHI, page 4933-4944. ACM, (2016)Auditory visual prominence., , and . J. Multimodal User Interfaces, 3 (4): 299-309 (2009)Hearing at home - communication support in home environments for hearing impaired persons., , , , , , and . INTERSPEECH, page 2203-2206. ISCA, (2008)Kinetic data for large-scale analysis and modeling of face-to-face conversation., , , , and . AVSP, page 107-110. ISCA, (2011)Effects of visual prominence cues on speech intelligibility., and . AVSP, page 43-46. ISCA, (2009)