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Impact of Audio on Adaptive Japanese Subtitles and Captions Ruby., , , , , , , и . J. Inf. Process., (2024)My Health Dictionary: Study on Web Service using Program Information Data-hub as Linked Open Data., , , , , , и . ISWC (Posters & Demos), том 1486 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2015)Extracting Basic-and-Advanced Relationships Based on the Structure of Teaching Material Documents., , , , , и . GCCE, стр. 683-684. IEEE, (2022)Message analysis algorithms and their application to social tv., , и . EuroITV, стр. 1-10. ACM, (2011)Companion Screen Architecture for Bridging TV Experiences and Life Activities., , , , и . TVX, стр. 137-147. ACM, (2018)Data Structuring for Launching Web Services Triggered by Media Content., и . JIST, том 10675 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 19-34. Springer, (2017)Constructing Curriculum Ontology and Dynamic Learning Path Based on Resource Description Framework., , , , и . ISWC (Posters & Demos), том 1690 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2016)A New Method of Utilizing Video Content Structured on the Basis of the RDF: Combining Broadcasting Content with External Services Using RDF Triples., , , , и . NBiS, стр. 679-684. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Survey on the Impact of Listening to Audio for Adaptive Japanese Subtitles and Captions Ruby., , , , , , , и . IMX, стр. 344-351. ACM, (2023)Twitter analysis algorithms for Intelligence Circulation System., , и . Multim. Syst., 19 (6): 477-491 (2013)