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A Comparative Study of the Performance of Parameter Estimation of a 2-D Field Using Line- and Point-Projection Sensors., и . CAMSAP, стр. 146-150. IEEE, (2019)On the use of order statistics for improved detection of signals by the MDL criterion., и . IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 48 (8): 2242-2247 (2000)Optimal and suboptimal broad-band source location estimation., и . IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 41 (9): 2752-2763 (1993)Joint DOA estimation and phase calibration of linear equispaced (LES) arrays., , и . IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 42 (12): 3449-3459 (1994)A Barankin-type lower bound on the estimation error of a hybrid parameter vector., и . IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 43 (3): 1084-1093 (1997)Adaptive statistical learning of cellular users behavior., , и . Signal Process., 93 (11): 3151-3158 (2013)Precipitation Classification Using Measurements From Commercial Microwave Links., , и . IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens., 52 (5): 2350-2356 (2014)Consistent CFAR detection of a linear signal based on partially consistent observations., и . IEEE Signal Process. Lett., 9 (8): 237-240 (2002)Non-data-aided signal-to-noise-ratio estimation., , и . ICC, стр. 197-201. IEEE, (2002)Wet-Dry Classification Using LSTM and Commercial Microwave Links., и . SAM, стр. 149-153. IEEE, (2018)