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A High Collusion-Resistant Approach to Distributed Privacy-preserving Data Mining.

, , , and . Inf. Media Technol., 2 (3): 821-834 (2007)

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An Effective Distributed Privacy-Preserving Data Mining Algorithm., , , and . IDEAL, volume 3177 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 320-325. Springer, (2004)Performance study of shared-nothing parallel transaction processing systems., , and . PMCCN, volume 120 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 154-172. Chapman & Hall, (1997)Supporting Communication in Time of Disaster., , , , and . BWCCA, page 379-384. IEEE, (2012)Performance Studies of Shared-Nothing Parallel Transaction Processing Systems., , and . PaCT, volume 1662 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 235-247. Springer, (1999)Enhancing Sensor Network Security by Reducing Radio-Wave Leakage., , , and . BWCCA, page 339-344. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Improving Performance of Parallel Transaction Processing Systems by Balancing Data Load on Line., , , and . ICPADS, page 331-338. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Scheduling Algorithms for Parallel Transaction Processing Systems., , and . PaCT, volume 1277 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 283-297. Springer, (1997)Mining Sequential Patterns More Efficiently by Reducing the Cost of Scanning Sequence Databases., , , , and . Inf. Media Technol., 2 (1): 163-177 (2007)A Proposal of Security Advisory System at the Time of the Installation of Applications on Android OS., , , and . NBiS, page 261-267. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)A Distributed Approach to Constructing k-Hop Connected Dominating Set in Ad Hoc Networks., , , and . ICPADS, page 357-364. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)