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Multi-frame super-resolution by enhanced shift & add., , , и . ISPA, стр. 171-176. IEEE, (2013)Dynamic super resolution of depth sequences with non-rigid motions., , , и . ICIP, стр. 660-664. IEEE, (2013)Enhancement of dynamic depth scenes by upsampling for precise super-resolution (UP-SR)., , , и . Comput. Vis. Image Underst., (2016)Real-time non-rigid multi-frame depth video super-resolution., , , , и . CVPR Workshops, стр. 8-16. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Towards Generalization of 3D Human Pose Estimation in the Wild., , , и . ICPR Workshops (1), том 12661 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 72-81. Springer, (2020)Patch-based Statistical Performance Analysis of Upsampling for Precise Super-Resolution., , и . VISAPP (1), стр. 186-193. SciTePress, (2015)Surface UP-SR for an improved face recognition using low resolution depth cameras., , , и . AVSS, стр. 107-112. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)LSPnet: A 2D Localization-Oriented Spacecraft Pose Estimation Neural Network., , , , , , и . CVPR Workshops, стр. 2048-2056. Computer Vision Foundation / IEEE, (2021)Leveraging Equivariant Features for Absolute Pose Regression., , , , и . CVPR, стр. 6866-6876. IEEE, (2022)Bilateral filter evaluation based on exponential kernels., , и . ICPR, стр. 258-261. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)