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Other publications of authors with the same name

Facial Recognition Software for Android Operating Systems., , and . TSP, page 171-174. IEEE, (2021)CNN-based Identification of Parkinsonian Gait using Ground Reaction Forces., , , , and . TSP, page 318-321. IEEE, (2022)A Matlab Implementation of a Biometric Identification System Based on Photopletysmograms., , , and . TSP, page 208-211. IEEE, (2023)Coordination Game Analysis using Brown's Fictitious Play., , and . TSP, page 175-178. IEEE, (2021)A Novel Smart-Shoe Architecture for Podiatric Monitoring., , and . TSP, page 180-183. IEEE, (2020)Low-Cost Distributed Angle Sensor Implemented on a Fluorescent Fiber., , , , , and . ICTON, page 1-4. IEEE, (2019)Statistical Study of Small Business Customers using Facebook Ads and Google Analytics., , and . TSP, page 212-215. IEEE, (2020)FPGA Implementation of a Novel Dual - BRAM Processor Architecture., , and . TSP, page 124-128. IEEE, (2020)ECG signal classification using Convolutional Neural Networks for Biometric Identification., , , and . TSP, page 167-170. IEEE, (2021)Biometric Recognition Using Phonocardiograms and Convolutional Neural Networks., , and . TSP, page 147-151. IEEE, (2024)