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Topology control algorithm based on overlapping clustering., , , и . ICNSC, стр. 737-741. IEEE, (2010)Analysis of Urban Living Space Change at Night Based on SDGSAT-1 High-Resolution Nightlight Data and Poi Data., , и . IGARSS, стр. 3683-3685. IEEE, (2023)A fused road detection approach in high resolution multi-spectrum remote sensing imagery., , и . IGARSS, стр. 1557-1560. IEEE, (2005)Comparison of two regression models for predicting crop yield., , и . IGARSS, стр. 1521-1524. IEEE, (2010)Image classification with spectral and texture features based on SVM., , и . Geoinformatics, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2010)Dispatching strategy of elevator group control system based on policy-booking fuzzy optimization.. ICIA, стр. 578-581. IEEE, (2014)Road detection from Quickbird fused image using IHS transform and morphology., и . IGARSS, стр. 3967-3969. IEEE, (2003)Which Words Pillar the Semantic Expression of a Sentence?, , , , и . ICTAI, стр. 791-798. IEEE, (2023)Analysis of Narrow Ridge Estimation for Linear CCD RFM Model and its Application., , , и . IGARSS (4), стр. 418-421. IEEE, (2009)Research and Implementation of Simulation Interactive Technology Based on Parameter File with Variable Number of Parameters., , и . ICDMA, стр. 642-645. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)