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Inevitability of Phase-locking in a Charge Pump Phase Lock Loop using Deductive Verification., and . ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, page 295-300. ACM, (2015)Larch: Languages and Tools for Formal Specification, , , , , and . Texts and Monographs in Computer Science Springer, (1993)A Formal Semantics for a DataFlow Machine - Using VDM.. VDM Europe, volume 252 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 331-355. Springer, (1987)Fast, Non-Monte-Carlo Estimation of Transient Performance Variation Due to Device Mismatch., , and . DAC, page 440-443. IEEE, (2007)Rapid Flight Control Prototyping - Steps toward cooperative mission-oriented capabilities., , and . ACC, page 680-685. IEEE, (2013)Towards a Digital Twin of a Complex Maritime Site for Multi-Objective Optimization., , , and . CyCom, page 331-345. IEEE, (2022)Security Implications of a Satellite Communication Device on Wireless Networks Using Pentesting., , , and . WiMob, page 292-298. IEEE, (2023)Vision-based tracking and motion estimation for moving targets using small UAVs., , , and . ACC, IEEE, (2006)A Semantics for a Larch/Modula-3 Interface Language.. Larch, page 142-158. Springer, (1992)Modeling Security Policy and the Effect for End-Users., and . HCI (27), volume 8030 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 256-265. Springer, (2013)