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Modular Approach to Technical Risk Management in Product Lifecycle Management., , , и . TE, том 10 из Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, стр. 380-389. IOS Press, (2019)Multi-interfaces Entity Model for Summative Risk Management of Medical Products., , , , и . PLM (2), том 640 из IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, стр. 157-170. Springer, (2021)Functional Approach for Summative Risk Management of Medical Products., , , , и . TE, том 16 из Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, стр. 574-583. IOS Press, (2021)A Platform-Based OEM-Supplier Collaboration Ecosystem Development., , , и . TE, том 10 из Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, стр. 436-445. IOS Press, (2019)Digital Twin as Enabler of Sustainability and Risk Management of Medical Devices., , , , и . TE, том 41 из Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, стр. 453-462. IOS Press, (2023)Human-Centric Digital Twin: A Transdisciplinary View., , , , и . TE, том 41 из Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, стр. 923-932. IOS Press, (2023)