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Autonomous Robot Navigation System Without Grid Maps Based on Double Deep Q-Network and RTK-GNSS Localization in Outdoor Environments., и . SII, стр. 346-351. IEEE, (2019)A study of optimum stimulus condition for inducing kinesthetic illusion., , , , и . MHS, стр. 1-3. IEEE, (2015)Dynamic Programming Algorithms for RNA Structure Prediction with Binding Sites., , и . Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, стр. 98-107. World Scientific Publishing, (2010)A grammatical approach to RNA-RNA interaction prediction., , и . Pattern Recognit., 42 (4): 531-538 (2009)Communications in Virtual Environment Improve Interpersonal Impression., , , и . VR Workshops, стр. 613-614. IEEE, (2021)A grammar-based approach to RNA pseudoknotted structure prediction for aligned sequences., , и . ICCABS, стр. 135-140. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)On the Generative Power of Multiple Context-Free Grammars and Macro Grammars., и . IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 91-D (2): 209-221 (2008)Dynamic Programming Algorithms and Grammatical Modeling for Protein Beta-Sheet Prediction., , и . J. Comput. Biol., 16 (7): 945-957 (2009)Effect of Motion and Hand Shape of a Massage Robot on Social Impression: Exploratory study in a Virtual Environment., , , , , , и . ICAT-EGVE (Posters and Demos), стр. 19-20. Eurographics Association, (2020)Effect of Arrangement of Input Gates on Logic Switching Characteristics of Nanodot Array Device., , , , , , , и . IEICE Trans. Electron., 95-C (5): 865-870 (2012)