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Other publications of authors with the same name

Access Pattern disclosure on Searchable Encryption: Ramification, Attack and Mitigation., , and . NDSS, The Internet Society, (2012)A Constraint Satisfaction Cryptanalysis of Bloom Filters in Private Record Linkage., , , and . PETS, volume 6794 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 226-245. Springer, (2011)Poster: inference attacks against searchable encryption protocols., , and . ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, page 845-448. ACM, (2011)Efficient privacy-aware search over encrypted databases., , and . CODASPY, page 249-256. ACM, (2014)Efficient privacy-aware record integration., , , , , and . EDBT, page 167-178. ACM, (2013)Distributed Search over Encrypted Big Data., , and . CODASPY, page 271-278. ACM, (2015)Providing Scalability for an Automated Web Service Composition Framework., , and . ISCIS, volume 62 of Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, page 329-332. Springer, (2010)A practical approach to achieve private medical record linkage in light of public resources., , , , and . JAMIA, 20 (2): 285-292 (2013)A Dynamic Approach to Detect Anomalous Queries on Relational Databases., , and . CODASPY, page 245-252. ACM, (2015)Efficient Similarity Search over Encrypted Data., , and . ICDE, page 1156-1167. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)