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Goal Revision for a Rational Agent., , и . ECAI, том 141 из Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, стр. 747-748. IOS Press, (2006)A Multi-context Framework for Modeling an Agent-based Recommender System., , , , и . ICAART (2), стр. 31-41. SciTePress, (2016)A Critical Assessment of Some Variants of Particle Swarm Optimization., , , и . EvoWorkshops, том 4974 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 565-574. Springer, (2008)Fuzzy-Evolutionary Modeling for Single-Position Day Trading., и . Natural Computing in Computational Finance, том 100 из Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, (2008)CARS - A Spatio-temporal BDI Recommender System: Time, Space and Uncertainty., , , и . ICAART (1), стр. 48-57. SciTePress, (2018)Construction d'ontologie pour le domaine du sourcing., , и . IC, стр. 137-144. (2018)The role of goals in belief selection., , , , и . Log. J. IGPL, 18 (4): 559-578 (2010)Electrocardiographic Signal Classification with Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks., , и . EvoApplications, том 7248 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 295-304. Springer, (2012)A Statistical Study of a Class of Cellular Evolutionary Algorithms., , , и . Evol. Comput., 7 (3): 255-274 (1999)Graded Reinstatement in Belief Revision., , и . IAT, стр. 58-61. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)978-0-7695-4513-4.