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Didaktisches Interaktions- und Informationsdesign von eLearning-Software.

. MuC, page 225-234. Teubner, (2002)

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Intra-Application Partitioning of Personal Data, , , , , and . Proceedings of the Workshop on Privacy-Enhanced Personalization (PEP'05), page 67--72. Edinburgh, UK, UC Irvine Institute for Software Research (ISR), (June 2005)An user-centered development of an intuitive dialog control for speech-controlled music selection in cars., and . INTERSPEECH, ISCA, (2006)Computerunterstützung von Kreativitätssitzungen an einem Tabletop-System., and . MuC, page 83-92. Oldenbourg Verlag, (2009)Didaktisches Interaktions- und Informationsdesign von eLearning-Software.. MuC, page 225-234. Teubner, (2002)Collaborative process management and virtual teams., and . CHASE, page 41-43. ACM, (2008)Computer Support of Team Work on Mobile Devices., and . HCI (3), volume 6763 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 38-47. Springer, (2011)First Steps Towards a Systematical Optimized Strategy for Solar Energy Supply Forecasting, , , and . (2013)Computerunterstützte Gruppenarbeit im Unterricht., and . Informationstechnik Tech. Inform., 39 (6): 33-34 (1997)Rethinking Energy Data Management: Trends and Challenges in Today's Transforming Markets., , , and . BTW, volume P-214 of LNI, page 421-440. GI, (2013)Hierarchische Stapelkarten und Sprachsteuerung: Neue Konzepte für multimodale PDA-Anwendungen., and . MuC, page 203-212. Oldenbourg Verlag, (2006)