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Fast Matrix Multiplication. STOC, page 45-49. ACM, (1971)On Obtaining Upper Bounds on the Complexity of Matrix Multiplication.. Complexity of Computer Computations, page 31-40. Plenum Press, New York, (1972)Universality of Iterated Networks., and . Math. Syst. Theory, 27 (5): 381-430 (1994)Geometry and Diameter Bounds of Directed Cayley Graphs of Abelian Groups., , and . SIAM J. Discret. Math., 11 (1): 157-167 (1998)Polynomial Evaluation via the Division Algorithm: The Fast Fourier Transform Revisited. STOC, page 88-93. ACM, (1972)Bussed Interconnection Networks from Trees.. IPPS, page 380-389. IEEE Computer Society, (1992)Pin-efficient networks for cubic neighborhoods., and . SPDP, page 402-408. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)A linear-time heuristic for improving network partitions., and . DAC, page 175-181. ACM/IEEE, (1982)A "greedy" channel router., and . DAC, page 418-424. ACM/IEEE, (1982)Universality of Iterated Networks., and . SPAA, page 80-89. ACM, (1992)