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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

A new metric for robustness with respect to virus spread, , und . CoRR, (2008)Controllability of a Class of Swarm Signaling Networks., , und . CoRR, (2022)Topological approach to measure the recoverability of optical networks., , , und . Opt. Switch. Netw., (2021)Perceived quality of channel zapping., , und . Communication Systems and Networks, Seite 156-159. IASTED/ACTA Press, (2006)Estimating the impact of single and multiple freezes on video quality., , , , und . Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, Volume 7865 von SPIE Proceedings, Seite 78650O. SPIE/IS&T, (2011)Using Datasets from Industrial Control Systems for Cyber Security Research and Education., , , und . CRITIS, Volume 11777 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 122-133. Springer, (2019)TCP and web browsing performance in case of bi-directional packet loss., , und . Comput. Commun., 33 (Supplement-1): S50-S57 (2010)Kubernetes cluster optimization using hybrid shared-state scheduling framework., , und . ICFNDS, Seite 2:1-2:12. ACM, (2019)Analyzing information availability in ICN under link failures., , , und . ICOIN, Seite 199-204. IEEE, (2018)Mean-field dynamics of the non-consensus opinion model., , und . Appl. Netw. Sci., 9 (1): 47 (Dezember 2024)