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Formant frequency estimation in noise., and . ICASSP (1), page 581-584. IEEE, (2004)A 9-Bit configurable current source with enhanced output resistance for cochlear stimulators., , and . CICC, page 511-514. IEEE, (2008)Reasons why Current Speech-Enhancement Algorithms do not Improve Speech Intelligibility and Suggested Solutions., and . IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Process., 19 (1): 47-56 (2011)A geometric approach to spectral subtraction., and . Speech Commun., 50 (6): 453-466 (2008)Real-Time Automatic Tuning of Noise Suppression Algorithms for Cochlear Implant Applications., , , and . IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 59 (6): 1691-1700 (2012)Signal Separation by Integrating Adaptive Beamforming with Blind Deconvolution., and . ICA, volume 4666 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 495-503. Springer, (2007)Evaluation of objective measures for quality assessment of reverberant speech., and . ICASSP, page 2420-2423. IEEE, (2011)Speech processing using higher order statistics., , and . ISCAS, page 160-163. IEEE, (1993)On the number of channels needed to understand speech, , and . Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 106 (4, Pt. 1): 2097-2103 (October 1999)A Laplacian-based MMSE estimator for speech enhancement., and . Speech Commun., 49 (2): 134-143 (2007)