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Programming in Lua. (декабря 2003)Online (html) version of the book avail at the URL.Dynamic Extension of CORBA Servers., , и . Euro-Par, том 1685 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1369-1376. Springer, (1999)A memory-bounded, deterministic and terminating semantics for the synchronous programming language Céu., , , , и . LCTES, стр. 1-18. ACM, (2018)UAI - Um Framework para Suporte a Objetos Visuais., , , и . SBES, стр. 79-89. SBC, (1994)EventManager - a tool to help students analyse concurrent programs., , и . SBLP, стр. 24-31. ACM, (2022)Passing a language through the eye of a needle., , и . Commun. ACM, 54 (7): 38-43 (2011)Programming with Multiple Paradigms in Lua. Functional and Constraint Logic Programming, том 5979 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, (2010)ALua: flexibility for parallel programming., , и . Comput. Lang. Syst. Struct., 28 (2): 155-180 (2002)The evolution of Lua., , и . HOPL, стр. 1-26. ACM, (2007)Left recursion in Parsing Expression Grammars., , и . Sci. Comput. Program., (2014)