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Predictability or adaptivity?: designing robot handoffs modeled from trained dogs and people.

, , , , and . HRI, page 179-180. ACM, (2011)

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Learning Backchanneling Behaviors for a Social Robot via Data Augmentation from Human-Human Conversations., , , , , , , and . CoRL, volume 164 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, page 513-525. PMLR, (2021)Participatory design with teens: A social robot design challenge., , and . IDC, page 604-609. ACM, (2019)Synthesizing Robot Manipulation Programs from a Single Observed Human Demonstration., , and . IROS, page 4585-4592. IEEE, (2019)SHEBA: A Low-Cost Assistive Robot for Older Adults in the Developing World., , , , , and . RO-MAN, page 1-8. IEEE, (2019)Robotic Limb Repositioning with Supervised Autonomy., , , and . HRI (Companion), page 511-513. ACM, (2020)Is More Autonomy Always Better?: Exploring Preferences of Users with Mobility Impairments in Robot-assisted Feeding., , , , , , and . HRI, page 181-190. ACM, (2020)Design Principles for Robot-Assisted Feeding in Social Contexts., , , , , and . HRI, page 24-33. ACM, (2023)Accessible Tele-Operation Interfaces for Assistive Robots., and . HRI (Companion), page 91-93. ACM, (2024)Learning to Grasp in Clutter with Interactive Visual Failure Prediction., , and . ICRA, page 18172-18178. IEEE, (2024)HandoverSim: A Simulation Framework and Benchmark for Human-to-Robot Object Handovers., , , , , , , , and . ICRA, page 6941-6947. IEEE, (2022)