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Adaptive Synchronization of Semantically Compressed Instructional Videos for Collaborative Distance Learning.

, , , , and . Int. J. Distance Educ. Technol., 5 (2): 56-73 (2007)

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Analysis and enhancement of videos of electronic slide presentations., , and . ICME (1), page 77-80. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Lecture videos for e-learning: current research and challenges., and . ISMSE, page 574-578. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Disruption-tolerant content-aware video streaming., and . ACM Multimedia, page 420-423. ACM, (2004)Spatial-Temporal Semantic Grouping of Instructional Video Content., and . CIVR, volume 2728 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 362-372. Springer, (2003)Time-constrained Dynamic Semantic Compression for Video Indexing and Interactive Searching., and . CVPR (2), page 531-538. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)An efficient error-minimizing algorithm for variable-rate temporal video sampling., and . ICME (1), page 413-416. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Real-time content analysis and adaptive transmission of lecture videos for mobile applications., and . ACM Multimedia, page 400-403. ACM, (2004)Adaptive Synchronization of Semantically Compressed Instructional Videos for Collaborative Distance Learning., , , , and . Int. J. Distance Educ. Technol., 5 (2): 56-73 (2007)Optimization Algorithms for the Selection of Key Frame Sequences of Variable Length., and . ECCV (4), volume 2353 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 403-417. Springer, (2002)Content Extraction and Summarization of Instructional Videos., and . ICIP, page 149-152. IEEE, (2006)