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Characterizing a national community Web, and . ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, (2005)WPT 03: Recolha da Web Portuguesa, , , and . chapter Avaliacão conjunta: um novo paradigma no processamento computacional da língua portuguesa, Diana Santos, (to appear)(to appear).The evolution of web archiving, , and . International Journal on Digital Libraries, (2016)Web not for all: a large scale study of web accessibility., , and . W4A, page 10. ACM, (2010)Design and Selection Criteria for a National Web Archive., , and . ECDL, volume 4172 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 196-207. Springer, (2006)Socializing in Higher Education through an MMORPG., , , and . EATIS, page 3:1-3:8. ACM, (2022)A Monitoring System to Measure the Impact of a Network Application in a 5G Network., , , , and . NFV-SDN, page 72-78. IEEE, (2023)Web-based Editor for Signal Interpretation Models., , and . IECON, page 5892-5897. IEEE, (2019)Searching images in a web archive., and . DSAA, page 1-10. IEEE, (2023)Adapting search user interfaces to web archives., and . iPRES, (2013)