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Performance Study of Parallel Algorithms of LU Decomposition for Dense Matrices., , и . PDPTA, стр. 1165-1171. CSREA Press, (2003)Realization versus Simulation min Finite Automata.. IMACS World Congress, стр. 91-94. North-Holland, (1982)Consistency of Loosely Coupled Inter-organizational Workflows with Multilevel Security Features., и . MSVVEIS, стр. 53-62. INSTICC PRESS, (2007)Conceptual Modeling of Concurrent Information Systems with General Morphisms of Petri Nets., и . IIS, стр. 535-539. Springer, (2003)Conceptual Modeling of Concurrent Systems through Stepwise Abstraction and Refinement Using Petri Net Morphisms., и . ER, том 2813 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 433-445. Springer, (2003)On Some Properties of Cyclic Automata and Their Extensions.. MFCS, том 45 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 430-435. Springer, (1976)A method of concurrent object-oriented design using high-level Petri nets., и . SMC, стр. 295-300. IEEE, (1998)Workflow Mining Alpha Algorithm - A Complexity Study., и . Intelligent Information Systems, том 31 из Advances in Soft Computing, стр. 451-455. Springer, (2005)A Parallel Algorithm for Computing all Homomorphisms of Deterministic Finite Automata.. Parallel Processing of Discrete Optimization Problems, том 22 из DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, стр. 233-257. DIMACS/AMS, (1994)Abstract Node Method for Integration of Object Oriented Design with Colored Petri Nets., и . ITNG, стр. 680-687. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)