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Real-time hand shape recognition by orientation invariant data learning for smart TV., , , , и . ICCE, стр. 552-553. IEEE, (2013)Robust finger contact detection with majority quadrant search for interactive tabletop displays., , и . ICCE, стр. 518-519. IEEE, (2014)Adaptive Cross-Channel Interference Cancellation on Blind Source Separation Outputs., , , и . ICA, том 3195 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 857-864. Springer, (2004)Short-Term Load Forecasting with Dilated Recurrent Attention Networks in Presence of Missing Data.. NLDL, стр. 1-6. Septentrio Academic Publishing, (2020)Generative Correlation Discovery Network for Multi-label Learning., , , , , и . ICDM, стр. 588-597. IEEE, (2019)3D remote interface for smart displays., , , , , и . CHI Extended Abstracts, стр. 551-560. ACM, (2011)Generative Multi-Label Correlation Learning., , , , , , и . ACM Trans. Knowl. Discov. Data, 17 (2): 18:1-18:19 (февраля 2023)Fingerprint Liveness Detection Using Ensemble of Local Image Quality Assessments., , , и . Visual Information Processing and Communication, стр. 1-6. Society for Imaging Science and Technology, (2016)Discriminative low-rank metric learning for face recognition., , , , и . FG, стр. 1-6. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Mobile LCD device with transparent infrared image sensor panel for touch and hover sensing., , , , и . ICCE, стр. 213-214. IEEE, (2012)