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Space-frequency-mode multi-dimensional hybrid modulation for vortex wave MIMO-OFDM systems., , , , , и . IET Commun., 15 (7): 924-934 (2021)Public Opinion Analysis and Crisis Response in Mass Incidents: A Case Study of a Flight Delay Event in China., , , , и . WAIM Workshops, том 8597 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 77-86. Springer, (2014)Development of a joint official microblog platform to improve interactive communication with the public under a centralized system., , , и . ISCRAM, ISCRAM Association, (2014)Evaluation and Application of Satellite Precipitation Products in Studying the Summer Precipitation Variations over Taiwan., , , и . Remote. Sens., 12 (3): 347 (2020)The Optimization of Multi-physics Application Simulated by Lattice Boltzmann Method Based on Domestic Processors., , , , , , и . CNCIT, стр. 42-47. ACM, (2023)Design of Water Supply and Drainage Virtual Experiment System., , и . ICIEI, стр. 92-98. ACM, (2021)Automatic Question Generation for Language Learning Task Based on the Grid-Based Language Structure Parsing Framework., , , , и . CLSW (2), том 14515 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 192-206. Springer, (2023)Graph-Based Sequential Interpolation Recommender for Cold-Start Users., , , , , , , , , и . APWeb/WAIM (3), том 13423 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 57-71. Springer, (2022)User's Permission Reasoning Method Based on Knowledge Graph Reward Guidance Reinforcement Learning in Data Center., , , , , , и . DMBD (1), том 1744 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 37-49. Springer, (2022)A Fast Convergence RDVM for Router Placement in WMNs: Performance Comparison of FC-RDVM with RDVM by WMN-PSOHC Hybrid Intelligent System., , , , , и . CISIS, том 497 из Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, стр. 17-25. Springer, (2022)