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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Who? Me? - Responsibility and the E-waste Challenge., , und . EnviroInfo/ICT4S (2), Seite 248-249. University of Copenhagen, (2015)The Impact Of Virtual Communities On E-loyalty. A Conceptual Framework., , und . MCIS, Seite 118. Athens University of Economics and Business / AISeL, (2009)Information Systems and Stakeholder engagement - First Results from Content Analysis., und . MCIS, Seite 16. AISeL, (2014)The Application of Bayesian Belief Networks., und . Bled eConference, Seite 36. (2011)The Digital Divide - Any Reasons for enthusiasm? The Case of Austria., und . Bled eConference, Seite 44. (2007)Internet Use from the Perspective of the Theory of Planned Behaviour., , und . AMCIS, Seite 42. Association for Information Systems, (2007)An Institutional Approach to Analyzing the Structure and Functionality of Brokered Electronic Markets, und . International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 3 (3): 71-88 (1999)Value Chain Transformation in the Retailing Sector, und . Systémová Integrace (System Integration), 6 (3): 7-14 (1999)Are Customer Service Offerings Influencing E-Loyalty? A Graphical Chain Model Approach in the Austrian Mobile Phone Service Provider Industry., und . Bled eConference, Seite 17. (2010)Success factors for implementing e-government services: the case of the Austrian e-government service portal., und . Int. J. Inf. Technol. Manag., 3 (2/3/4): 235-245 (2004)