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Towards a Universal FPGA Matrix-Vector Multiplication Architecture., , and . FCCM, page 9-16. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)ShrinkWrap: Compiler-Enabled Optimization and Customization of Soft Memory Interconnects., and . FCCM, page 113-116. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Microscaling Data Formats for Deep Learning., , , , , , , , , and 23 other author(s). CoRR, (2023)A complexity-effective architecture for accelerating full-system multiprocessor simulations using FPGAs., , , , and . FPGA, page 77-86. ACM, (2008)Towards automatic customization of interconnect and memory in the CoRAM abstraction (abstract only)., and . FPGA, page 265. ACM, (2013)Cross-platform FPGA accelerator development using CoRAM and CONNECT., , , and . FPGA, page 3-4. ACM, (2013)Pushing the Limits of Narrow Precision Inferencing at Cloud Scale with Microsoft Floating Point., , , , , , , , , and 14 other author(s). NeurIPS, (2020)PROToFLEX: FPGA-accelerated Hybrid Functional Simulator., , , , and . IPDPS, page 1-6. IEEE, (2007)CoRAM: an in-fabric memory architecture for FPGA-based computing., , and . FPGA, page 97-106. ACM, (2011)Single-Chip Heterogeneous Computing: Does the Future Include Custom Logic, FPGAs, and GPGPUs?, , , and . MICRO, page 225-236. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)