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Evolutionary Verification of Consistency Properties in Software Product Lines.. University of Hildesheim, Germany, (2023)Combining Central Control with Collective Adaptive Systems., , , и . ACSOS-C, стр. 56-61. IEEE, (2021)Combining Distributed and Central Control for Self-Adaptive Systems of Systems., , и . ICDCS Workshops, стр. 109-112. IEEE, (2022)Identifying the Intensity of Variability Changes in Software Product Line Evolution., , и . SE/SWM, том P-292 из LNI, стр. 105-106. GI, (2019)Industry 4.0/IIoT Platforms for manufacturing systems - A systematic review contrasting the scientific and the industrial side., , , и . Inf. Softw. Technol., (2025)Incremental software product line verification: a performance analysis with dead variable code., , , и . SPLC (A), стр. 257. ACM, (2022)Incremental Software Product Line Verification - A Performance Analysis with Dead Variable Code., , , и . Software Engineering, том P-332 из LNI, стр. 79-80. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., (2023)Improving Software Engineering Research Through Experimentation Workbenches., , и . From Software Engineering to Formal Methods and Tools, and Back, том 11865 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 67-82. Springer, (2019)Comparing the intensity of variability changes in software product line evolution., , и . J. Syst. Softw., (сентября 2023)Comparing the intensity of variability changes in software product line evolution (Summary)., , и . Software Engineering, том P-343 из LNI, стр. 83-84. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., (2024)