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Didactic Approach to Multivariable Control Using IEC 61131 Model-Based Design and Programmable Logic Controllers.

, , and . ACE, page 220-225. International Federation of Automatic Control, (2013)

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Didactic Approach to Multivariable Control Using IEC 61131 Model-Based Design and Programmable Logic Controllers., , and . ACE, page 220-225. International Federation of Automatic Control, (2013)Automatic artificial ventilation therapy using the ARDSNet protocol enforcing dynamical constraints., , , , , , , , , and . MED, page 235-240. IEEE, (2017)Robust control of compliant actuators using positive real ℋ2-controller synthesis., , and . ACC, page 5477-5483. IEEE, (2014)Artificial intelligence for closed-loop ventilation therapy with hemodynamic control using the open lung concept., , , , , , , and . Int. J. Intell. Comput. Cybern., 8 (1): 50-68 (2015)Periodic funnel-based control for peak inspiratory pressure., , , , and . CDC, page 5617-5622. IEEE, (2015)The "music" within thoracic cavity using wavelet filtering., , , and . BHI, page 860-863. IEEE, (2012)Closed-Loop Ventilation of Oxygenation and End-Tidal CO2., , , , and . SMC, page 2231-2237. IEEE, (2013)L1 Adaptive Control of End-Tidal CO2 by Optimizing the Muscular Power for Mechanically Ventilated Patients., , , , and . NOLCOS, page 259-264. International Federation of Automatic Control, (2013)