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Recognition-Difficulty-Aware Hidden Images Based on Clue-Map., , and . Comput. Graph. Forum, 35 (8): 80-94 (2016)Cover Image., , , , and . Comput. Animat. Virtual Worlds, (2020)Pathway knockout and redundancy in metabolic networks, , , , , and . Journal of Theoretical Biology, 270 (1): 63--69 (Feb 7, 2011)Diversity of multilayer networks and its impact on collaborating epidemics, , , , , and . Physical Review E, (Dec 8, 2014)Solid Mathematical Marbling., , , , and . IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 37 (2): 90-98 (2017)Bilateral filtering using fuzzy-median for image manipulations., , , and . CAD/Graphics, page 158-161. IEEE, (2009)Skeleton-enhanced line drawings for 3D models., , , , and . Graph. Model., 76 (6): 620-632 (2014)Target Shape Controlled Cloud Animation., , and . Computer Graphics International, volume 4035 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 578-585. Springer, (2006)Sensitivity-optimized rigging for example-based real-time clothing synthesis., , , , , and . ACM Trans. Graph., 33 (4): 107:1-107:11 (2014)Combining clustering coefficient-based active learning and semi-supervised learning on networked data., , , and . ISKE, page 305-309. IEEE, (2010)