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Discovering Interest Based Mobile Communities., , , и . Mob. Networks Appl., 22 (2): 344-355 (2017)Handwritten Digits Recognition Based on Swarm Optimization Methods., и . NDT (1), том 87 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 45-54. Springer, (2010)Locality-Awareness and Replication for an Adaptive CHORD to MANet., , и . Int. J. Distributed Syst. Technol., 8 (3): 1-24 (2017)Can we recognize the next user's mobile community?, , , и . COMPLEX NETWORKS, том 693 из Studies in Computational Intelligence, стр. 335-346. Springer, (2016)Energy-efficient data collection in grid-based Wireless Sensor Networks using a mobile sink., , и . WMNC, стр. 89-94. IEEE, (2016)Handwritten characters recognition based on nature-inspired computing and neuro-evolution., и . Appl. Intell., 38 (2): 146-159 (2013)Declarative Approach for Adaptivity and Personalization in Mobile Learning: An Algerian Perspective., , и . mLearn, том 479 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 15-28. Springer, (2014)Motif Finding Using Ant Colony Optimization., , и . ANTS Conference, том 6234 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 464-471. Springer, (2010)