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Big data, bigger dilemmas : a critical review, , , , , , , , , and . arXiv:1509.00909 cs, (September 2015)arXiv: 1509.00909.Collaborate, Automate, Prepare, Prioritize: Creating Metadata for Legacy Research Data., , , and . Dublin Core Conference, page 41-46. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, (2013)HathiTrust research center: computational access for digital humanities and beyond., , , , , , , and . JCDL, page 395-396. ACM, (2013)A high-frequency mobile phone data collection approach for research in social-environmental systems: Applications in climate variability and food security in sub-Saharan Africa., , , , , , , , and . Environ. Model. Softw., (2019)A roadmap for data services., , , and . JCDL, page 375-376. ACM, (2013)Out of nothing: in-depth hyperfication study.. Hypertext, page 71-72. ACM, (2001)Building Tools to Support Active Curation: Lessons Learned from SEAD., , , , and . Int. J. Digit. Curation, 12 (2): 76-85 (2017)Evolution of the "long tail" concept for scientific data., and . CoRR, (2024)A Longitudinal Content Analysis of Weblogs: 2003-2004, , , and . Blogging, Citizenship and the Future of Media, Routledge, London, UK, (November 2006)Data Management Workflows in Interdisciplinary Highly Collaborative Research., , and . PEARC, page 88:1-88:3. ACM, (2022)