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Guest editorial - Topics in circuits for communications., и . IEEE Communications Magazine, 44 (8): 100 (2006)Scalable Linux Scheduling., и . USENIX ATC, FREENIX Track, стр. 285-295. USENIX, (2001)Integrated circuits for communications Guest Editorial., , и . IEEE Communications Magazine, 46 (4): 142-143 (2008)Topics in integrated circuits for communications., , и . IEEE Communications Magazine, 48 (10): 172-173 (2010)Topics in Circuits for Communications Guest Editorial., , и . IEEE Communications Magazine, 45 (8): 102 (2007)Topics in circuits for communications., , и . IEEE Communications Magazine, 43 (8): 103-104 (2005)A 110-K transistor 25-MPixels/s configurable image transform processor unit., и . IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, 33 (1): 86-97 (1998)Accept() Scalability in Linux., и . USENIX ATC, FREENIX Track, стр. 121-128. USENIX, (2000)Topics in circuits for communications series guest Editorial., и . IEEE Communications Magazine, 44 (12): 116 (2006)