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Assuring Interoperability in Heterogeneous, Autonomous and Decentralized Multi-Agent Systems.

, , and . ISADS, page 17-24. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)

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Enabling Negotiation Between Agents and Semantic Web Services., , , , , and . AWIC, volume 43 of Advances in Soft Computing, page 284-291. Springer, (2007)Lightweight Web Application Framework and Its Application - Helping Improve Community Bus Timetables after Japan Earthquake., , and . ICEIS (2), page 252-257. SciTePress, (2012)Assuring Interoperability between Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems with a Gateway Agent., , , and . HASE, page 167-170. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Decentralized Architecture for Fault Tolerant Multi Agent System, , , and . International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, (2005)Cell Level Co-Operation for SLA Based Radio Resource Management., , , , and . AINA Workshops, page 359-364. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)An ontology gateway for efficient communication of agents with web services., , , and . Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, page 86-91. IASTED/ACTA Press, (2006)Using Biological Variables and Social Determinants to Predict Malaria and Anemia among Children in Senegal., , , and . CoRR, (2021)Service Interoperability between Agents and Semantic Web Services for Nomadic Environment., , , and . IAT, page 583-586. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)978-0-7695-3496-1.Strongly Instrumented Generic Mobility Architecture (SIGMA)., , , , , and . AINA Workshops, page 205-210. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Restriction of Network Topology Discovery within a Single Administrative Domain., , , , , and . Communications in Computing, page 222-225. CSREA Press, (2005)