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Color2Gray: salience-preserving color removal., , , и . ACM Trans. Graph., 24 (3): 634-639 (2005)XDoG: An eXtended difference-of-Gaussians compendium including advanced image stylization., , и . Comput. Graph., 36 (6): 740-753 (2012)Implementing real-time video abstraction., , и . SIGGRAPH Sketches, стр. 133. ACM, (2006)Image simplification and vectorization., и . NPAR, стр. 65-74. ACM, (2011)Fluid simulation as a tool for painterly rendering., и . SIGGRAPH Posters, стр. 24. ACM, (2004)Tracing on the right side of the brain: unsupervised image simplification and vectorization.. University of Victoria, Canada, (2010)Catalyst: seeing through the eyes of a cat., , , , и . FDG, стр. 116-123. ACM, (2010)Interactive 3D fluid jet painting., , и . SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, стр. 17. ACM, (2006)Interactive vector fields for painterly rendering., , и . Graphics Interface, стр. 241-247. Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society, (2005)