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Target Tracking based on the Dynamic Cluster Method in the Acoustic Sensor Network., , , , и . CIT, стр. 362-367. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)GoBench: A Benchmark Suite of Real-World Go Concurrency Bugs., , , , , и . CGO, стр. 187-199. IEEE, (2021)Optimization on Lie Manifolds and Projective Tracking., , , и . CSSE (1), стр. 768-771. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)A object tracking method in two cameras with common view field., , , и . CISP-BMEI, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2017)Newton geodesic optimization on special linear group., , , и . CDC, стр. 4346-4351. IEEE, (2009)Detecting TensorFlow Program Bugs in Real-World Industrial Environment., , , , , , , , и . ASE, стр. 55-66. IEEE, (2021)Navigating Audio-Visual Event Detection Across Mismatched Modalities., , , и . ICASSP, стр. 1975-1979. IEEE, (2022)Novel LSTM-GAN Based Music Generation., , и . WCSP, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2021)The Optimization and Parallelization of Two-Dimensional Zigzag Scanning on the Matrix., , , , , , и . ICANN (4), том 14257 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 177-189. Springer, (2023)Enriching Ontology with Temporal Commonsense for Low-Resource Audio Tagging., , , , , и . CIKM, стр. 3652-3656. ACM, (2021)