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A new framework to combine descriptors for content-based image retrieval., , , , , , и . CIKM, стр. 335-336. ACM, (2005)Learning to advertise., , , , , и . SIGIR, стр. 549-556. ACM, (2006)A generic ranking function discovery framework by genetic programming for information retrieval, , и . Information Processing and Management, 40 (4): 587--602 (2003)Nonlinear ranking function representations in genetic programming-based ranking discovery for personalized search, , и . Decision Support Systems, 42 (3): 1338--1349 (декабря 2006)Toward Answer-Focused Summarization Using Search Engines., , и . New Directions in Question Answering, стр. 227-236. AAAI Press, (2004)Tapping the power of text mining, , , и . Commun. ACM, 49 (9): 76--82 (2006)A Domain Oriented LDA Model for Mining Product Defects from Online Customer Reviews., , , , и . HICSS, стр. 1-10. ScholarSpace / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), (2017)CrowdIQ: A New Opinion Aggregation Model., , , , и . HICSS, стр. 1-8. ScholarSpace / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), (2017)ExSearch: a novel vertical search engine for online barter business., , , , , и . CIKM, стр. 1357-1366. ACM, (2009)Effective personalized delivery of information: A two-stage model and empirical analysis.. University of Michigan, USA, (2002)