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A Decoupled Data-Driven Architecture with Vectors and Macro Actors., и . CONPAR, том 457 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 39-50. Springer, (1990)Communication Assist for Data Driven Multithreading., и . Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, том 2563 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 351-367. Springer, (2001)Verilog-based simulation of hardware support for data-flow concurrency on multicore systems., и . ICSAMOS, стр. 280-287. IEEE, (2013)Block Scheduling of Iterative Algorithms and Graph-Level Priority Scheduling in a Simulated Data-Flow Multiprocessor., и . IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 4 (4): 398-413 (1993)Fault Detection and Recovery in a Data-Driven Real-Time Multiprocessor., и . IPPS, стр. 769-774. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)Active Folders: A Metaphor for Developing and Interacting with Context-Aware Applications., , и . MDM, стр. 146. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Data-Driven execution of the Tile LU Decomposition., , и . DFM@PACT, стр. 1:1-1:8. ACM, (2016)DDM-CMP: Data-Driven Multithreading on a Chip Multiprocessor., , и . SAMOS, том 3553 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 364-373. Springer, (2005)Hardware Budget and Runtime System for Data-Driven Multithreaded Chip Multiprocessor., , и . Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference, том 4186 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 244-259. Springer, (2006)Debugging MPI Grid Applications Using Net-dbx., , и . European Across Grids Conference, том 3165 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 139-148. Springer, (2004)