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Sampling of graph signals with successive local aggregations., , , и . CoRR, (2015)Distributed Analytical Graph Identification., , , и . ICASSP, стр. 4064-4068. IEEE, (2018)Minimizing Transmit-Power for Coherent Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks using Quantized Channel State Information., , и . ICASSP (3), стр. 529-532. IEEE, (2007)Optimizing Energy Efficiency of TDMA with Finite Rate Feedback., , и . ICASSP (3), стр. 117-120. IEEE, (2007)Blind identification of graph filters with multiple sparse inputs., , , и . ICASSP, стр. 4099-4103. IEEE, (2016)Underlay cognitive radios with finite transmission modes and capacity guarantees for primary users., , , и . ACSCC, стр. 158-162. IEEE, (2012)Rethinking sketching as sampling: Efficient approximate solution to linear inverse problems., , , и . GlobalSIP, стр. 390-394. IEEE, (2016)Reconstruction of graph signals: Percolation from a single seeding node., , , и . GlobalSIP, стр. 844-848. IEEE, (2015)Distributed implementation of linear network operators using graph filters., , и . Allerton, стр. 1406-1413. IEEE, (2015)Optimal Selective Forwarding for Energy Saving in Wireless Sensor Networks., , и . IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., 10 (1): 164-175 (2011)