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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Why Should We Gender?: The Effect of Robot Gendering and Occupational Stereotypes on Human Trust and Perceived Competency., , und . HRI, Seite 13-21. ACM, (2020)An infant smart-mobile system to encourage kicking movements in infants at-risk of cerebral palsy., , , , , , und . ARSO, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2017)The Effect of Robot vs. Human Corrective Feedback on Children's Intrinsic Motivation., , , und . HRI, Seite 638-639. IEEE, (2019)Would You Trust a Robot Therapist? Validating the Equivalency of Trust in Human-Robot Healthcare Scenarios., , und . RO-MAN, Seite 442-447. IEEE, (2018)Developing a Robot Hip-Hop Dance Game to Engage Rural Minorities in Computer Science., , und . HRI (Companion), Seite 89-90. ACM, (2017)How Can Social Robots Motivate Students to Practice Math?, , und . HRI (Companion), Seite 353-354. ACM, (2017)A Comparative Analysis of Emotion-Detecting AI Systems with Respect to Algorithm Performance and Dataset Diversity., und . AIES, Seite 377-382. ACM, (2019)Robot therapist versus human therapist: Evaluating the effect of corrective feedback on human motor performance., , , und . ISMR, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2018)Bias in the Eyes of the Beholder: Development of a Bias-Aware Facial Expression Recognition Algorithm for Autonomous Agents.. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA, (2024) (