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On Dynamic Evolution of Knowledge Management Model Based On Deepening Of Knowledge Intension.. WHICEB, стр. 75. Association for Information Systems, (2012)Outage performance analysis of amplify-and-forward cognitive relay networks with partial relay selection., , , , , и . WCSP, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2015)Online Taxi-Hailing Platform Using Blockchain Technology., , , и . CSPS (3), том 517 из Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, стр. 891-897. Springer, (2018)A Probabilistic Formulation of Unsupervised Text Style Transfer., , , и . ICLR,, (2020)SiRA: Sparse Mixture of Low Rank Adaptation., , , , , , , , , и 1 other автор(ы). CoRR, (2023)A unified position-aware convolutional neural network for aspect based sentiment analysis., , , , , и . Neurocomputing, (2021)Thermal Dose Images Enhance the Prediction of Local Tumor Progression After Multimode Ablation., , , и . BIBE, стр. 16:1-16:9. ACM, (2021)Research on the problems and countermeasures of China's rural medical system from the perspective of economics., , и . ICEME, стр. 402-408. ACM, (2021)An Empirical Study of Flight Control System Model Checking Integrated with FMEA., , и . QRS Companion, стр. 478-484. IEEE, (2020)Application of Combinatorial Testing to Quantum Programs., , , и . QRS, стр. 179-188. IEEE, (2021)