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Census Tract License Areas: Disincentive for Sharing the 3.5GHz Band?, , , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2016)Efficient sidelobe suppression for OFDM systems using advanced cancellation carriers., , и . ICC, стр. 4687-4692. IEEE, (2013)RRH and small cells - The implications for spectrum sharing., , и . DySPAN, стр. 176-187. IEEE, (2015)A Lightweight Software Architecture for Robot Navigation and Visual Logging through Environmental Landmarks Recognition., , , и . ICPP Workshops, стр. 384-390. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Perfect versus imperfect monitoring in multi-agent opportunistic channel access., , и . CrownCom, стр. 480-485. ICST / IEEE, (2014)Performance of Predictive Indoor mmWave Networks with Dynamic Blockers., , , и . CoRR, (2021)A Multi-Agent Neural Network for Dynamic Frequency Reuse in LTE Networks., , и . ICC Workshops, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2018)Complex communication systems achieving interference-free frequency allocation., , , и . ICC, стр. 1447-1452. IEEE, (2014)Energy Efficient WSN: a Cross-layer Graph Signal Processing Solution to Information Redundancy., , и . ISWCS, стр. 645-650. IEEE, (2019)Information Processing and Data Visualization in Networked Industrial Systems., , , , , , и . PIMRC, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2021)