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Behaviors of multi-dimensional forgetting memristor models., , , , , and . IECON, page 7417-7421. IEEE, (2017)Traffic Volume Prediction Based on Multi-Sources GPS Trajectory Data by Temporal Convolutional Network., , , , and . Mob. Networks Appl., 25 (4): 1405-1417 (2020)Distributed Adaptive Clustering Based on Maximum Correntropy Criterion Over Dynamic Multi-Task Networks., , , and . IEEE Access, (2020)A Smartnic-Based Secure Aggregation Scheme for Federated Learning., , , , , and . ICCEIC, volume 3344 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 81-89., (2022)Distributed Data-Selective DLMS Estimation Under Channel Attacks., , , and . IEEE Access, (2019)Compressive Sensing with Optical Chaotic Encryption Based on Monolithic Silicon Chips., , , , and . ICCT, page 157-160. IEEE, (2021)A Double-Layer Image Encryption Scheme Based on Silicon-Based Optical Chaos., , , , , , , and . ICCT, page 1560-1564. IEEE, (2022)Experimental observations on the nonlinear behaviors of DFB semiconductor lasers under external optical injection, , , , , and . Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 36 (1): 18--24 (April 2008)A Dual-Channel Speech Encryption Scheme Based on Silicon Photonic Microcavity (SPM) Chaos and Dynamic DNA Encoding., , , , , and . ICCT, page 1179-1183. IEEE, (2022)The High-Quality Laser Chaos Synchronization in a Tens Kilometers Distant Star-Type Network., , , , , and . ICCT, page 989-992. IEEE, (2020)