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An Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Integrated Resources Portal (IBDIRP)., , , , , , , , , and . Database J. Biol. Databases Curation, (January 2024)Parallel Region Reconstruction Technique for Sunway High-Performance Multi-core Processors., , , , , and . ICPCSEE (1), volume 1451 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 163-179. Springer, (2021)Efficient publicly verifiable conjunctive keyword search over encrypted data in cloud computing., , and . Int. J. Embed. Syst., 11 (6): 707-718 (2019)Thread Private Variable Access Optimization Technique for Sunway High-Performance Multi-core Processors., , , , and . ICPCSEE (1), volume 1451 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 180-189. Springer, (2021)Aiming to Detect a malware of GSM frequency., and . CoRR, (2017)Sky images enhancement under complex weather conditions., , , and . ICIA, page 1490-1495. IEEE, (2016)Research on Equipment Effectiveness Evaluation with Weight Random Variables., , and . ISCID (1), page 12-14. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Nice to meet images with Big Clusters and Features: A cluster-weighted multi-modal co-clustering method., , , , , , , and . Inf. Process. Manag., 61 (5): 103735 (2024)基于时序逻辑的3种网络攻击建模 (Modeling for Three Kinds of Network Attacks Based on Temporal Logic)., , , and . 计算机科学, 45 (2): 209-214 (2018)A Robust Gray-code Pattern Decoding Method for 3D Scanning with Structured Light., , , , and . ICCVIT, page 9:1-9:5. ACM, (2023)