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Noise-induced current oscillations in superlattices: from stationary to moving domains, , , и . Proc. 28th Int. Conference on Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-28), Vienna 2006, том 893 из AIP Conf. Proc., стр. 543--544. New York, Melville, (2007)Noise-induced oscillations and their control in semiconductor superlattices, , , и . Int.~J.~Bifur.~Chaos, 16 (6): 1701--1710 (2006)Noise-Induced oscillations and their Control in semiconductor superlattices., , , и . Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos, 16 (6): 1701-1710 (2006)Delay-induced multistability in a generic model for excitable dynamics, , и . Proc. ASME 2007 Des. Eng. Techn. Conf. Comp. Inform. Eng. Conf., стр. 1--8. Las Vegas, ASME, (2007)DECT2007-34329.Control of noise-induced spatiotemporal patterns in superlattices, и . phys.~stat.~sol.~(c), 5 (1): 207--210 (2008)Delay control of coherence resonance in type-II excitable dynamics, , и . (2009)to be published in 2009.Noise-induced front motion: signature of a global bifurcation, , , и . Phys.~Rev.~Lett., (2006)Pattern formation in semiconductors under the influence of time-delayed feedback control and noise, , , и . Analysis and control of complex nonlinear processes in physics, chemistry and biology, World Scientific, Singapore, (2007)Control of coherence resonance in semiconductor superlattices, и . Phys. Rev. E, (2008)Control of noise-induced oscillations in superlattices by delayed feedback, , , и . Proc.\ 18th Internat. Conf. on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF-2005), 780, стр. 41--44. Melville, New York, American Institute of Physics, (2005)ISBN 0-7354-0267-1.