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SCF: a device- and language-independent task coordination framework for reconfigurable, heterogeneous systems., , , , и . HPRCTA@SC, стр. 19-28. ACM, (2009)A parallel hardware architecture for information-theoretic adaptive filtering., , , и . HPRCTA@SC, стр. 1-10. IEEE, (2010)Design and Analysis of a Dynamically Reconfigurable Network Processor., , и . LCN, стр. 483-492. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)A multi-tiered optimization framework for heterogeneous computing., , , и . HPEC, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2014)Performance Monitoring for Run-time Management of Reconfigurable Devices., , и . ERSA, стр. 175-181. CSREA Press, (2005)Fast Real-Time LIDAR Processing on FPGAs., , , , , и . ERSA, стр. 231-237. CSREA Press, (2008)Integrating Application Specification and Performance Prediction for Strategic Design-Space Exploration., , и . ERSA, стр. 201-210. CSREA Press, (2010)Clustering Classification on FPGAs for Neuromorphic Feature Extraction., и . FCCM, стр. 223. IEEE, (2023)A generalized, distributed analysis system for optimization of Parallel Applications., , и . IPDPS, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2009)TSHMEM: Shared-Memory Parallel Computing on Tilera Many-Core Processors., , и . IPDPS Workshops, стр. 325-334. IEEE, (2013)