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A two-layer model for behavior and dialogue planning in conversational service robots., , , , , , , , and . IROS, page 3329-3335. IEEE, (2005)AutoEncoder Guided Bootstrapping of Semantic Lexicon., , and . PRICAI (3), volume 11672 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 220-233. Springer, (2019)Response Obligation Estimation That Considers Users' Repetitive Utterances using Knowledge-Guided Random Forest., , , and . Humanoids, page 99-105. IEEE, (2019)Multimodal Dialogue Data Collection and Analysis of Annotation Disagreement., , , , and . IWSDS, volume 714 of Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, page 201-213. Springer, (2019)Design Guidelines for Developing Systems for Dialogue System Competitions., , , and . IWSDS, volume 943 of Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, page 161-177. Springer, (2021)Probabilistic multiparty dialogue management for a game master robot., , , and . HRI, page 200-201. ACM, (2014)The Dynamics of Action Corrections in Situated Interaction., and . SIGDIAL Conference, page 165-174. The Association for Computer Linguistics, (2010)Parsing Plans Situation-Dependently in Dialogues., , and . COLING, page 1094-1097. (1996)The chanty bear: a new application for hri research., , , and . HRI, page 141-142. ACM, (2011)A Robot That Can Engage in Both Task-Oriented and Non-Task-Oriented Dialogues., , , , , , , and . Humanoids, page 404-411. IEEE, (2006)