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User-centric Privacy Framework: Integrating Legal, Technological and Human Aspects into User-Adapting Systems.. CSE (3), стр. 176-181. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)What students really need beyond learning content: ubiquitous shared-connectivity services to foster learning communities on the campus., , и . MindTrek, стр. 149-156. ACM, (2009)The benefits of Geo-Tagging and microblogging in m-Learning: a use case., , и . MindTrek, стр. 135-141. ACM, (2009)Personalisation versus adaptation? a user-centred model approach and its application, , и . Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management (I-KNOW), стр. 120-127. (2005)Enhancement of SCORM to support adaptive E-Learning within the Scope of the Research Project AdeLE, , и . ELEARN 2004, Washington, USA, стр. 2499--2505. (2004)A Concept-based Enhancement of Didactical Goals and Learning Needs with a Dynamic Background Library: Semantics vs. Pragmatics.. ICALT, стр. 1-3. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Towards an Advanced Modeling System Applying a Service-Based Approach., и . ICALT, стр. 860-862. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)The Past, the Present and the Future of adaptive E-Learning, , и . Proceedings of ICL, Villach, Austria, (2004)AdeLE (Adaptive e-Learning with Eye-Tracking): Theoretical Background, System Architecture and Application Scenarios, , , , , , и . European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning (EURODL), (2005)