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Changes in Twitter geolocations: Insights and suggestions for future usage., , , , , и . W-NUT, стр. 212-221. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2021)Geo-Information Harvesting from Social Media Data., , , , , , , , , и 2 other автор(ы). CoRR, (2022)Building Type Classification from Social Media Texts via Geo-Spatial Textmining., , и . IGARSS, стр. 10047-10050. IEEE, (2019)Comparison of Different Precision Pseudo Resistor Realizations in the DC-Feedback of Capacitive Transimpedance Amplifiers., , , , , , и . ICECS, стр. 699-702. IEEE, (2019)An Integrator-Differentiator TIA Using a Multi-Element Pseudo-Resistor in its DC Servo Loop for Enhanced Noise Performance., , , , , и . ESSCIRC, стр. 294-297. IEEE, (2018)Betriebswirtschaftliche Analyse des Recycling, dargestellt an Beispielen aus ausgewählten Industriezweigen. Utermarck, Lohfelden, (1997)A New CMOS Broadband, High Impedance LNA for MRI Achieving an Input Referred Voltage Noise Spectral Density of 200pV/Hz√., , , , , , и . ISCAS, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2019)An Integrated Readout for Current Sensing based on a Σ∆ Modulator with Switched Capacitor Feedback., , , и . ESSCIRC, стр. 321-324. IEEE, (2019)Comparison of Direct Digitization Current Sensing Circuits for EIS., , и . PRIME, стр. 117-120. IEEE, (2019)A 440-kOhm to 150-GOhm Tunable Transimpedance Amplifier based on Multi-Element Pseudo-Resistors., , , , и . ESSCIRC, стр. 403-406. IEEE, (2021)