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Average trajectory of returning walks

, , and . Physical Review E (Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics), 69 (4): 041105 (2004)

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Average trajectory of returning walks, , and . Physical Review E (Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics), 69 (4): 041105 (2004)Effect of network topology on the ordering dynamics of voter models. AIP Conf. Proc., 779 (1): 114--120 (2005)Comparison of voter and Glauber ordering dynamics on networks, , , , and . Physical Review E, 71 (6): 066107+ (June 2005)Nature of the Epidemic Threshold for the Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible Dynamics in Networks, , and . Physical Review Letters, (Aug 21, 2013)Beyond the locally treelike approximation for percolation on real networks, and . Physical Review E, 93 (3): 030302+ (Mar 23, 2016)Why Sirtes's claims (Sirtes, 2012) do not square with reality., and . J. Informetrics, 6 (4): 615-618 (2012)Eigenvector localization in real networks and its implications for epidemic spreading., and . CoRR, (2018)Community Structure in Graphs., and . Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, Springer, (2009)Nonmonotonic roughness evolution in unstable growth, and . Phys.~Rev.~B, 62 (4): 2879--2888 (July 2000)Field-normalized impact factors (IFs): A comparison of rescaling and fractionally counted IFs., , , , and . J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., 64 (11): 2299-2309 (2013)